Monday, May 18, 2009

prayer request may 18th

Hi everyone,

Emily DeHerrera's grandfather Virgil has just been admitted to the hospital with Pneumonia. Please pray for a quick recovery and for peace in the whole family. Thank you.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Prayer Request May 12

Hi everyone,

Here are a couple of prayer requests that I have for posting;

#1 - Aaron Reed request prayer for his friend and fellow band member Ethan... Pray that Ethan would see what things God has for him and that there would be clear evidence of vision in his life.

#2 - Matt Johnson is looking and praying for a new job that would provide better for his family and would give better hours so that he could spend more time with his family. I am also adding on to that with "Vision" for Matt's life and family too. It is very clear that Matt has relationship with Jesus, but please pray that he doesn't lose focus of Jesus or things that He has for him and his family.

#3 Emma Deherrera asked that we pray for relationships and other unspoken things in her life. Like all of us it seems like we are in a waiting period in our lives where God has great things for us but we are needing patience for such amazing plans. Jerm. 29:11

#4 We all have unspoken things that we need prayer for... here are the names of the people that attend our life group that you could pray for...

Aaron Reed
Heather Reed
Crystal Reed
Matt Johnson
Christian Johnson
Emily (Em) Deherrera
Curtis Reed
Joe Tweton
Tim Reed